When we hear about a health coach, the biggest fear that strikes our mind is the fear of losing the freedom of enjoying our favorite food. This, along with the prospect of including some new food in our routine which we may not like at all prevents us from approaching a health expert.
Like most people, I too had all these inhibitions until I reached out to Sheetal for my teenage daughters eating habits. Our experience with Sheetal and her educative, instead of a restrictive approach, has shown us that there is a genuinely happier way of mending one’s health. She has been an extremely good listener and has worked not only on the eating habits but also the mindset of my daughter.
After six months of seeing Sheetal, my daughter not only eats healthy but also is well prepared to live on her own, cook her own healthy meal and take care of her health whilst keeping in mind her financial budget when she is in the University far away from the comfort of her home.
I would strongly recommend Sheetal’s health coaching to all the parents whose children are moving away from home for higher education and are going to be by themselves in coming months. Sheetal will add significant value to their health and lifestyle habits and make them self-aware and self-dependent.
(A parent who was keen for her daughter to make a smooth transition to her new university life)